
Thursday 25 June 2015

The Advantages of Smart Laser Marking Control Boards

You might have a fair share in the smart, internet connected devices like a wireless scanner or smart phones that send images to the cloud or otherwise, a fitness tracking device. Your workplace might have industrial marking solutions’ equipment connected to ‘Industrial internet of things’; sending performance reports and readings, alerts to technicians and managers. Some of the devices can communicate with the others, automating a number of tasks; just enlist smart laser marking control board.
What are Smart Laser Marking Control Boards:
Smart laser marking control board is nothing but hardware device which can be connected to a network and can also be connected to some other devices like PLCs i.e. Programmable Logic Controllers. They look similar to conventional motherboards, found in personal computers. Additionally, control boards make the lasermarking machine or system much smarter. 
For instance, it is not unconventional for manufacturers to have terminals which are dedicated to control every piece of laser material. Therefore, any or every change in the laser marking job has to be done at every dedicated terminal in such an arrangement. This is not as simple as clicking buttons. The job needs to be initiated and downloaded that can become time consuming and tedious. With smart laser marking control boards, only one programmable logic controller can be used to control an entire network of equipped and connected laser devices.
The innovation is most likely to change laser marking, resulting in more efficiency of the laser.  Just like you can print from a network printer, the laser jobs to marking devices can be sent by factory workers and all this can be done without individually configuring every device’s workstation.
While the control boards enable to select, download and send jobs related to marking devices, there is much more to the story than mere hardware. Ethernet IP communications, remote APIs and software enable the information exchange.

Advantages of Smart Laser Marking Control Boards:
The technology may be complex, but the advantages are quite simple:
·       No need to manage each marking device through individual computers. This improves efficiency, simplifies marking and reduces cost and energy consumption.
·       Every smart control board just plugs into the network which becomes a part of ‘Industrial internet of things’. The control boards are a replacement to the individual personal computers so that the marking devices can be controlled remotely.  Less downtime is associated with the laser marking jobs.

Thursday 11 June 2015

fiber laser marking machines | heatsign

Our fiber laser marking machines offer the latest technology in laser beams. Our fiber laser engraver delivers high performance and satisfaction.

Friday 5 June 2015

Various Applications of Laser Engraving

You can find a lot of plastics and metals that are engraved with their type, model number and manufacturers. Have you ever wondered how are they engraved? Obviously, not by
hand, it is next to impossible to engrave so neatly and so precisely yet so small. Laser engraving is an extensive technique used in many industries.
Like the name suggests, laser engraving uses laser for marking materials. The marks are quite permanent. In other words, they do not wear off that easily with water and solvents.

The technology includes many marking techniques like: laser bonding, printing and hot branding. The tip of the laser device acts like a pencil’s tip, tracing the patterns of the material. The materials can be metal, plastic, stone, glass, and even wood. Because of its vast capabilities, it is one of the most trusted and used engraving technologies today, promising fast work and accuracy.

Some of these materials produce excellent results. For example: for metals, anodized aluminum is a good choice, however not for outdoors materials as they are bound to spoil. In fact, most engraved metals are for indoors. If you want to engrave outdoor materials, considerations should be made.
As for woods, hardwoods are used as they do not vaporize easily. In plastic, acrylic lasers work well. If we look at stone and glass, they fracture exposing natural grains.

It is gaining popularity in jewelers as well. The precision with which laser engraving works is surprising. You can now go for engraving on the engagements rings, all thanks to the laser technology.
In industries, laser engraving has reached quite high. In the medical sector, it is used in stainless steel implants, surgical tools, printing labels, and fluid bags; these are just a few of the listed examples. As for pharmaceutical industry, laser engraving is used in package films, blisters packs, and glass ampoules. But, electrical industry has benefited the most from it. They use laser engraving in IC packages, PC boards, plastic housing, ceramics, lead frames and wire marking etc.

With the progress of technology, laser engraving has obtained new heights. It is one of the most reliable and efficient process. Laser engraving has a lot of benefits. Heat Sign is the name to look out for, when you want to know more about laser engraving. For more information visit our website

Tuesday 2 June 2015

HS-FL10 10W Desktop Fiber Laser Marking Machine

The HS-FL10 is capable of marking a variety of content:

Date and time
Graphics, logos and special symbols
English letters and other characters
Barcodes / QR codes / 2D codes etc.
All numbers
The following materials are applicable for use with the HS-FL10 Fiber Laser marker:

Plastic materials (PP, PE, ABS, PVC etc.)
Coating metal
Metals (Brass, titanium, stainless steel etc.)
Electroplating materials
Epoxy resin
lable printing
The HS-FL10 Fiber Laser marking machine provides highly efficient engraving and marking for several industries. A few examples include:

Telecom apparatus
Plastic key buttons
Automotive parts
Electronic parts
Sanitary ware
Integrated circuits (IC)
Instruments. Read more about this machine here

Heatsign co2 ‪#‎laser‬ ‪#‎machine‬ is capable to create ‪#‎illustration‬ on glass. See this full posts here 

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